How to take care of a pet dog | 3 major aspects of pet wellbeing

A furry friend is something that many of us want to have in their lives. My Golden retriever, Bonbon is the sunshine of my life. My fluff ball spreads smile with her innocence and playfulness.  But there is more to owning a pet dog than just the cuddles and hugs. Taking care of my Golden retriever for the last eight years, has taught me a lot about taking care of a pet dog. Here, I would highlight the basics of pet care that you should be aware of. So, if you are a new pet parent or you are thinking of bringing home a pet dog then this is the blog for you.

I have summarised how to take care of a puppy or a pet dog, keeping in mind three major aspects of pet wellbeing as follows:

How to take care of puppy or a pet dog is explained through three aspects. A pet parent has to take care of the dog's physical & mental health and proper training to ensure an overall wellbeign of a pet dog or a puppy

Physical Health

Nutrition is at the core of physical health. You can either choose to feed your pet home-cooked meal or dry food. No matter which option you opt for, providing a balanced diet to your puppy or dog is where it all starts. The nutrition derived from food should help in maintaining joint and oral health, an optimum digestive system, healthy skin & coat and in boosting-up the immunity system. There are several options available in the market to choose from based on the age, breed type & activity level of the dog. But at times food alone fails to cater to the needs of a dog and that is the reason why supplements and vitamins exist. Identifying what exactly your puppy or dog needs and in what amount can be difficult to understand which leads us to the next important point – A Vet.

Seeking expert advice of a veterinarian is of utmost importance. With a regular check-up keep your pet under the supervision of a vet because prevention is better than cure and in case of certain diseases early detection improves the chances of survival and lessens suffering. Beside treatment vet also takes care of vaccination & deworming schedule, anal gland extraction of your pet dog. 

Grooming session is the next vital point which not only enhances the appearance but also maintains the hygiene of your dog and keeps skin problems at bay.  Trimming of coat, removal of mats, clipping of nails, cleaning of ear wax, giving baths with proper dog shampoo followed by conditioners, tick flea control are parts of grooming. If your pocket allows, you can take your dog to groomers or for spa sessions and if not then just do it yourself. Ignoring grooming is a big no-no.

Weight management is an issue that we often overlook. Ensuring a healthy life of pet is the primary responsibility of pet parents. Sedentary life and overfeeding increase the weight of the dog and the risk of diseases.  So, a simple yet regular exercise regime in the form of walking or playing fetch or any physical activity that your dog is willing to go through and enjoy is necessary. 

Mental health

Every dog is different and has their own emotional needs, fear, phobias. The factors that remain constant in this regard is their need of company, love and attention of the humans around them. They go through a roller coaster ride of emotions like excitement, happiness, sadness, jealousy and tries to communicate with the owners through their actions. Not being mindful towards the emotions of your pet will eventually translate into behavioural problems in the long run. Observing the dog’s activity is the first step towards better understanding of the dog’s character and needs. Spending considerable amount of time fosters the bond between you and pet dog as well. Showering them with love and paying proper attention can prove instrumental in dealing with their insecurities and boost their confidence and calm them down.

Proper training

A puppy leaves its mother and the environment it is born in when you bring it to your home. Training is the key activity to help it get accustomed to their new home and new faces around them. Pampering your dog  round the clock will do you no good. You should know how and when to be strict. This is where you need to be sure that your dog is under your control and trusts you. Teach them their boundaries, what to do and what not to do with use of proper punishment and reward. Obedience training, house breaking training are ways to help the puppy or the dog to blend in with the new environment and the rules. The aim would be to encourage development of a good temperament and social attitude in the dog who is well adjusted to the surroundings and devoid of any destructive habits or behavioural issues.

Hope you now have an overview of the responsibilities that pet parenting entails. Leave comments if you want to know more on certain topic and found this blog helpful.





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